
Baptism recognises that a person is special in God’s eyes and made for a unique purpose. It affirms

  • that the only absolute in life is love,
  • that we are created by love and for love
  • that we belong to a community which exists to affirm this love

Baptising children

Baptising is a reminder that our specialness is not dependent upon our own achievements, nor diminished by our failures.

Parents and Godparents or Sponsors
Parents bring children to Baptism to acknowledge them as members of the Christian community, and to receive the blessing of God’s care. Parents and Godparents make the Baptismal Promises on behalf of the child.

Godparents have an important part to play in the faith development and nurture of their godchild. Godparents do not need to be Anglican, but they must be Baptised themselves.

Some people prefer to choose Sponsors, instead of Godparents, particularly if the one being Baptised is an adult. Sponsors should be people who are significant in the life of the Baptism candidate and make a positive contribution to their life and faith journey. They should preferably be people of faith.

Baptising adults

When an adult chooses to be Baptised, she or he is making an important statement about their identity.

The Baptism ceremony

Traditionally, Baptism ceremonies are held during a Communion Service. This allows the Baptismal vows to be made in the presence of the Congregation who also promise to support the new member and their family.

A Private Baptism ceremony can also be arranged with the Priest. 


The Sacrament of Baptism is a gift from God – there is no charge.  However, the cost of maintaining church facilities and an active Christian ministry is dependent upon donations.  We encourage baptism families to make a donation towards the work of the Parish.

If the baptism is held during the worship service, donations can be made through the offering plate that is passed around. The family and friends of the new member are encouraged to remain for the remainder of the service to avoid disrupting worship. 

If the baptism is held in a private ceremony, a donation can be made to the priest on the day or through the parish office in advance of the baptism day.

Printing costs for personalised service booklets are to be met by the family.  The Priest will advise the format or can arrange for the printing, and an invoice will be provided to the family.

Please make an appointment with the Rector to discuss your plans for baptisms.

